Project Theme: In the Search of the Spiritual Empire of Yesugei Dynasty – The birthplace of the Chinggis Khaan.

Project Conductor: Ish Erdenchimeg, The Head of Academy of Ancient Philosophy Study NGO.
Project Target: The geographical territory of Golden Mountain Horde of Yesugei Khaan.

Project Area: 100.000 km2.

Project Basis: 33 new side discoveries in 33 different scientific branches as a result of following geographical discoveries:
  • The revelation of the secrets of the birthplace of Chinggis Khaan.
  • The geographical location of Golden Mountain Horde of Yesugei Khaan.
  • The geographical location of the Spiritual Empire of Yesugei Dynasty.
  • The geographical location where the first unicellular organism originated.
  • The geographical location of the global fresh-water circulation center.
  • Project Aim: Scientific confirmation of following discoveries:
  • The existence of the Golden Mountain Horde of Yesugei Khaan.
  • The existence of the Spiritual Empire of Yesugei Dynasty.
  • The geographical location of where the first unicellular organism originated.
  • The geographical center of astronomical development of the earth's crust.
  • The geographical location of the origin of the first solar calendar.
  • The geographical location of the origin of the first lunar calendar.
Participant Scientists: Only Eurasian countries including the Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Denmark, Kyrgyzstan Republic, the Republic of Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Project Duration: 26 days (field research)

Project Start Date: 20 August 2018 – 16 September 2018

Project Participation: Only by invitation.

Project Registration: 10 July 2018 – 20 August 08 2018. Please, send your registration request to address!

Project Sponsor: Altan Zul Holding LLC